Minutes of the WPPG Meeting held on 23rd July 2024 (DOCX, 24KB)
Minutes of the WPPG Meeting held on 16th April 2024 (DOCX, 27KB)
Minutes of the WPPG Meeting held on 9th January 2024 (DOC, 55KB)
Minutes of the WPPG Meeting held on 18 July 2023
- Judith Stanley
- Ian Edmundson
- Sue Ottowell
- Angie Baker
- Spencer Hoskin
- Carole Sadler
- Dr Ali Al-Sahab
- Libby Morris
- Bridget Dunks
- Ann Bailey
- Maddie Simpson – PCN
- Tracey Lawson
- Dr S Savage
- Ruth Ludford
- Philip Abbott
- Mike Little
- Sheila Smith
1. Welcome and Introductions
Judith welcomed everyone to the Meeting.
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Unfortunately Robinson's had not been in touch with an answer with regards to the speed ramp. Angie will contact them.
Other than that, the minutes of the meeting on 18 April 2023 were agreed as a true and correct record.
3. Presentation from Maddy Simpson
Maddy Simpson from the Primary Care Network did a short presentation with regards to what the Primary Care Network was and what they did.
The presentation is attached.
Judith thanked Maddy for her enlightening presentation.
4. Feedback from Group Reps
Ian reported that he had no feedback from any meetings.
Judith thanked Ian.
5. Items from the suggestion box
There had been one comment in the suggestion box with regards to the telephone system when contacting the Surgery.
Angie explained that the Surgery has a telephone system which allows 8 callers to be on hold at any one time and if there are more in the queue it will give an engaged tone.
Judith thanked both Spencer and Tracey.
6. Promoting on-line triage forms
Dr Ali Al-Sahab explained to the members that NHS England are trying to improve access to GP Services and the Surgery had started a new on-line service for patients to use. The online access is available between 7.30 and 9.00 am weekdays or until 30 patients have used the service. This can be accessed via the surgery website where the patient completes the appropriate form. A GP Partner will triage these requests and deal with each problem as required. It is hoped that with patients using this system it will improve the access on the phones for other patients. A text has been sent to all patients promoting this service as well as being on the TV screen in the waiting rooms and on the automated message when contacting the Surgery. Dr Ali Al-Sahab asked if patients would help to promote this Service. Some did not have access to the internet, but they will promote it by word of mouth and the members who do have internet access will try to use this if possible.
7. JUCD report
It was decided to defer this item until the next meeting.
Ian wanted to find out whether the report was useful and beneficial to the Surgery.
8. Any Other Business
Following on from the presentation by Maddy it was decided to ask a representative from the Ageing Well Team to come to the next meeting. Tracey will organize this.
Spencer said that he had always received excellent service from the Surgery.
Sue Ottowell said that Ally Farraday, Receptionist was an asset to the team as she had provided excellent service.
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 10 October 2023 at 12.00 noon.
Judith thanked members for attending.
The meeting closed at 1.55pm.
WPPG Minutes - 18 April 2023 (DOC, 61KB)
WPPG Minutes - 17 January 2023 (DOCX, 25KB)
WPPG Minutes - 13 September 2022 (DOCX, 24KB)
Minutes of the WPPG Annual General Meeting held on 14th June 2022 (DOCX, 26KB)
WPPG Minutes - AGM - 14th June 2022 (DOCX, 26KB)
WPPG Minutes - AGM - 8 March 2022 (DOCX, 26KB)
WPPG Minutes - 14 January 2020 (DOCX, 25KB)
WPPG Minutes - 22 October 2019 (DOCX, 24KB)
WPPG Minutes - 23 July 2019 (DOCX, 26KB)
WPPG Minutes - AGM - 9 April 2019 (DOCX, 27KB)
WPPG Minutes - 15 January 2019 (DOCX, 26KB)